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See You On The Other Side

See You On The Other Side

वीडियो चलाए
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Udti Hoon Patangon Jaisi | Paribhasha Mishra | Akash Goila | Yug Bhusal | Latest Hindi Songs 2024

Udti Hoon Patangon Jaisi | Paribhasha Mishra | Akash Goila | Yug Bhusal | Latest Hindi Songs 2024

Youtube Music - Production House - Filmeraa Studios Actor and Singer - Paribhasha Mishra Child Actor - Alexia Dimitriou Video Directed By Akash Goila Editing by Nitin FCP Music - Yug Bhusal Music Production, Mix & Master - Roop Mahanta Di studio: NY DI waala Di colorist: Deep Majithia Visual Effects Supervisor - Ashutosh Pandey VFX and supers - ASY FILMS Backing Vocals - Priya Nair, Pratiksha Kale Lyrics - Ravi Basnet Sunny Pariani Line producer The Greek life inc Finance Consultant Break Point Capital Advisors LLP Legal Advisor Riya Gupta Vasilakis Panagiotis DOP Axillia papafthimiou Production assistant Tina tavridou Location assistant Prerna Singh Assistant Director Panagiotis Pappas Photographer / asst John vikias Focus puller Nikolaos konstantileris (DIT ) Sofia karathanasi Hair n make up Equipment hire Arctos SA ( Vasilis ) Special thanks to the entire town of Ioannina! Stathis Stiothis ( Olympic hotel ) Hindi Lyrics: नीले पीले ख़्वाब हज़ार हैं, मेरे उड़ती पतंग जैसे उड़ते सारे। गीली, शाख़ो पे, सूखे पत्ते, लहराते हुए। सीधी, सारी बातें, करती हूँ मैं, मुस्कुराते हुए। उड़ती हूँ पतंगो जैसी, उड़ती फिरती, उड़ती है पतंगो जैसी ज़िन्दगी ख़्वाब से, नए नए पर जुड़े नई हर उड़ान है। चाँदनी है, मेरी परछाइयाँ मेरी पहचान है जाती हूँ दिल ये जहाँ कहे बहती हूँ जैसे नदिया बहे। गीली, शाख़ो पे, सूखे पत्ते, लहराते हुए। सीधी, सारी बातें, करती हूँ मैं, मुस्कुराते हुए। उड़ती हूँ पतंगो जैसी, उड़ती फिरती, उड़ती है पतंगो जैसी ज़िन्दगी English Lyrics: "Countless blue and yellow dreams, mine They all fly like kites in the sky Wet, on the branches, dry leaves fluttering Straightforward, I do everything, with a smile I soar like a kite, I keep flying, Life flies like kites in the sky Connected to new dreams, from the world of dreams Every flight is new Moonlight, my shadows It's my identity Wherever my heart says, I go I flow like rivers Wet, on the branches, dry leaves fluttering Straightforward, I do everything, with a smile I soar like a kite, I keep flying, Life flies like kites in the sky" #song #musicvideo #hindisong #women #latesthindisongs #newsong #newsongs #udti #udtipatang
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